Дорогому мне...

That time and me to write this letter to itself has come...
There have passed 12 years from the moment of a writing of this letter, all this time it wandered where that on open spaces of the Internet and waited for hour when you will read it …
Who you? The person reading now this letter, whether has achieved you in a life of what you wanted, whether you live now there where wished to live.
To me now 15 years, I am full of various feelings, experiences, thoughts, dreams.
Now I sincerely wish to end 2 more classes, probably, what not on excellent", but on good", and the last at me is obligatory to turn out, for on another to study I am not able, and I do not know, how it will be apprehended by my relatives and people surrounding me. By the way, interestingly, whom of a steel those people with whom I now study, whether have overtaken they you in career, a family, and other, or on the contrary, you have shown to all of them WHO is YOU, and now, in spite of the fact that you on the threshold of career launch, you have already outstripped them, both those possibilities and heights which are now open before you they cannot imagine to themselves … at all. After school I want, that you have arrived in medical institute, have studied there 7 years, became the highly skilled back surgeon and have left to work abroad, now for me it is preferably following countries: the USA, the Great Britain, Australia, Germany, Holland. You marry, while I yet do not know it, whether you to yourself will find the wife here, or abroad, but in any case, I am assured, that without the significant other you will not remain.
Well, it is time to say goodbye, I hope, that you have reached now of what I dreamt, and you read this letter in the own house, sitting on expensive armchair and looking in the computer monitor, or technical progress has reached that sitting in the car and using the pocket computer you read this letter and smile. … in any case, I am glad, that you at least read it, means, you are live, and you have money for the computer!
And Happy Birthday!
Today is 10 Jule, 2008

Письмо из 0000-00-00 в 2019-12-11

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