Hello from the past
It's been one year since the day, when your heart was broken.
I just want to know, how do you feel this day. Do you still think about that person, and cry? Do you remember those days with a smile, or are you indifferent to that guy, since you already have someone else, better, who loves you and whom you love? Have you fulfilled all your wishes, or you feel as unsatisfied and miserable, as I do? You are me, one year older, perhaps, one year wiser. Maybe happier. I wish you are much happier than me. I wish you found your true love, and you forgot about your broken heart.
Anyway, I really want you to be happy. And I really want myself to become that happy person I want you to be...
Don't cry because of people, who don't deserve you. After all, Marquez said... you know.
Any way, when you get this letter, I want you to think about the year, which you had between sending and receiving it. I want you to think about happy and unhappy moments you had. About your friends and people you lost. About romances and disappointments. About great times you had and about lonely nights you experienced. About efforts you made to succeed, about people, you cared about you this year. About people, whom you wanted to be cared about by this year. About X., yes. I hope that the only feeling you feel, when you think about him, is being slightly nostalgic. I hope that another guy, better, and who truly loves you, took the place in your heart, which in these August days is taken by X. I hope that you are completely over him. I hope that you are studying in the University you want to study, that you feel accomplished and satisfied. I hope you feel your life going the way you want it to go. I wish it to you and to myself.
Be happy, for both of us. My future depends on you.
Love you,