to my hayatik

heyyy my little elephant) now is 05.12.2014 10pm and yes this is letter frm past))) im not sure that u still remember me... its me ur natashka-kakashka... I found this site by accident but i think its good idea to text u for future.. we just finished to speak on viber(call me now!!!!) and u went to TIU and im on my way to birthday party.. in this letter i wanna tell u agai how much u mean to me and how much i need u!! i know that at the beginning of our relationship, none of us thought that its possible to get smth more it was just like funny good days and khalas.. but now you've filled my life, every day we know each other more and more and Im addicted to u so much, all my thoughts r of you only!!
u always took care of me when I came to u in egypt, u did all the best for me even when i did stupid things like dramma u alway said to me "natalia dnt be stupid im always with u"!! thank u for everything! u r the best thing in my life and i want u to know that i respect u so much u r very good person! during this time i knew how much u r close with ur family how much u love them and how much u respect ur friends and i love all these things in u!!! i love u hayatik.
i hope we still have conection and it will never end! and yesss i almost forget: u r perrrfect lover i love sex with u!!! u made me happy 2 times and it was amazing i want it moreee!!! thank u!!! i love u like crazy all words not enough to explain my feelings.. just want u u to know this and never forget...
P.S. anyway call me or text even if we r not speak ...but im sure we r)))xxxxxxx

из 2014-12-06 в 2015-07-01

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