
This is me your best self. In fact, at first I wrote a letter to young myself, but then I reread my assignment. Haha. I would never have thought that I would want to write a letter to myself in the future. How are you there? Have you already moved into a new house? I don't like living where I've lived. I would really like to know what achievements you have received. Have you won anything? Are you still interested in drawing or have you found something more interesting? I hope that I was able to fulfill all my dreams that I am thinking about right now.
Please never ask me why I wrote this letter to you in English. Mom says that I will study at some English language school, but I still know quite a lot.
Have you fallen in love with someone? I hope it's some beautiful person you'll trust. I would really like to have someone next to me who will warm me and not leave me alone. I hope you haven't thrown out that blue bear you've been playing with since you were 2 years old. I want to believe that it lies somewhere on a shelf and gives you good memories.
I hope that you will have many friends with whom you will communicate often. I'm only 10 now, and my words may be very stupid, but I hope you're okay. And also don't pay attention to the fact that I put commas anywhere. I still don't know some rules from the English language.

Please answer me if you are going to save up for a dream that you were thinking about at my age. Good luck to you in the future and I hope that you will leave after the ninth grade, because many people say that it is very difficult in the eleventh.

из 2023-02-11 в 2023-02-12

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