I hope this past year was so productive and useful. And you got a lot of knowladge and used all your potential to raise and be as you now. We know that we have everything what we need, only one thing we should do it is "preparation". Your ability and capacity could make differences in any company where you would be. I truly believe that you can reach your goals and you will get your diploma you can get the best position in the company and be person who make your work excellent and valueable for company where you with. I also believe that your work-life balance will be in good conditions and your ministry will go on as you do now and much more.
Next year your english will be better mature and diverse. You can express all your ideas and thoughts, you can support any theme of conversation and for you won't be challange to ask something or complaine about something to strangers.
О чем вы мечтаете? Каким вы видите себя через год, два... десять лет? Опишите свою жизнь сейчас. Напишите, к чему стремитесь, перечислите свои планы на будущее. Фантазируйте!
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