Hello Motherfucker

I'm your friend. Best friend. I think you're trying to think of someone that has done something in your life but... No. I'm not that kind of motherfuckers. I know every bit of you. Every small detail that you also have noticed. You know what? It may be funny to read and write now I'm thinking of it right now, so let's move on to the truth part. So... I. AM. YOU. Yeah I'm the one you fear the most, I'm the one that you care about. You have no heart man. You think about yourself only. Only. Yourself. I don't know this will have changed by the time that you get this letter. But whatever. So, let's talk about other things like... Have you met the girl of your dreams other than "her"? Or eventually got her from the arms of your buddy? I shouldn't be writing about that sorry. Nonetheless, curiosity is curiosity, as it'll ever be. It won't change because I can't understand why there were so many girls out there looking for you, you had so many girls crushing on you but you chose her. Not even a single look to other girls. Only her. But she chose another one, the one who you trusted the most. The one whom you would have never guessed in your wildest dreams. Ok. If you are with that girl or the one that you count as your ultimate queen, give her a hug or a kiss, whatever from your past self. If I haven't mistaken, it's the time of the year that you graduate your 2nd course in WIUT, isn't it? Oh hell yeah it is. Have you found the course difficult? Do you regret your choice? It doesn't even fucking matter because I'm now free. At least for a while. And I think you should have a rest too. Look after your phone and your laptop and maybe my future girlfriend.

из 2020-04-17 в 2021-04-17

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