hello 💋 this is my first letter to me

(im writing this letter in english with the help of a translator, I hope when you receive it you will already know english a little better)

damn it seems at school we had the opportunity to write a letter to a person in another country and I wrote something, it's a pity that I can't get an answer, I hope a real foreigner received my letter ahahaha....


I am now 20 yo. it’s a pity that I didn’t start writing letters earlier because at 16 yo I would be very surprised and happy if I found out that I was still alive and although she lost hope, I managed to change myself and my life !

I'm a little scared to write my first letter, so I'll only send it a few months into the future. because it is in the next few months that I expect big changes from you and me, dear.

you will probably be diagnosed with bipolar 1 soon, you will start drug therapy, your life should get better. this happened ? how do you feel now ? what changed ?
I hope you don't put off going to the doctor anymore....🫂 darling...

I have high hopes for you this year, more than ever. I believe in you ! so i have a lot of questions for me in the future when i get this letter.

have you finally started a real life ? have you started your plans ? do you have success in sports ? or success in the media? 🛐🛐

you started to create comfort in your home, what has changed in your apartment ? do you have a photo ?
you now have the strength to take care of the apartment, did you love cleaning again ? 🧺

do you have the strength to take better care of yourself and monitor your health ? how do you eat ? have you moved closer to being a vegan or have you changed your goal ?🫒

how is your couple with leja (🦁)? 💟 Is everything good or even better ?
I don't doubt your love and you don't doubt it either! 😡 how does he feel? did he start self-realization?

how is your relationship with your family? don't talk, I'm just a little curious....

can you get that new piercing ? did your hair get longer ? do you look the same beautiful or beautiful but different ? haha

has your financial situation changed ? can you afford more ? did you get new clothes or did you eat better ?

tell me what has changed in you and in your life during this time. I WAITING FOR YOUR ANSWER, I'M LOOKING FORWARD, I'M WITH YOU, WITH LOVE, FROM ME 🍀

из 2023-03-19 в 2023-06-13

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