Ummm... HI! I know you remember when you typed this, so now that it's typed and sent, what do you think? Do you think I'm (you're) crazy? Well, we both know we are.
It's funny. As I type this, and I know it's going out to myself to read at a later time, I feel as though I'm typing to an unfathamable diety looking down at me and laughing... but that's not possible, you're no celebrity... .You're you, but it's not like I'm typing a letter to Weird Al or something!
Anyway, I'll bet your (my) IQ is going down now, so I'll stop and send this. ^_^ Hope you thought it was otay!
О чем вы мечтаете? Каким вы видите себя через год, два... десять лет? Опишите свою жизнь сейчас. Напишите, к чему стремитесь, перечислите свои планы на будущее. Фантазируйте!
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