Was it worth it? Are you still with the man who left his wife for you? Were all the tears worth it? Or, has he done to you what he did to his wife? Only time can tell whether all the tears, pain and anguish were worth it all. I hope as you are reading this (or should I say, as I am reading this), that you are still together and the story has a happy ending.
In reading this e-mail, you should remember all the steps that happened to you to get here (whether it worked out or not). Lots of lessons were learned along the way and lots of pain was experienced by many people, not just you. Always remember that no matter what the outcome.
Remember, there are no bad decisions. The best decision is the one you made at the time.
О чем вы мечтаете? Каким вы видите себя через год, два... десять лет? Опишите свою жизнь сейчас. Напишите, к чему стремитесь, перечислите свои планы на будущее. Фантазируйте!
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