hello, dear friend. i dont have particular reasons for writing this letter, or anything important to say, really. and i am sorry if i am making an inconvenience for you.
well, as to my current state, there is nothing much to be said about it. last night, i stayed up until 3 am talking to a particularly interesting girl. i dont regret sacrificing sleep to talk to her, i havent had such discussions in a while. now my room feels very bright, dusty and hot. well, i have never been a fan of summer afternoons.
you needn't worry, i am not feeling blue. i dont know how long it will last, but i am taking it one day at a time. i find that thinking about the future overwhelms me, so i dont.
i have began, or rather stopped, taking life so seriously anymore. now i think about all the small things that i used to worry about and they seem so small that it is to be laughed at. some things dont matter to me as much as they used to, i have realised that it is stupid to worry about such things because i will cease to exist some day.
i think that's what people's problem is! they take life too seriously, worry about all the wrong things, neglect things that actually matter. now, i won't go on and say that i am not prone to such behaviour, but i do try to rethink some.
i find that i really like being kind to people. it is beyond me why in the such short time that people have on this earth, they would choose to be a filthy person.
currently, i am studying for the school. chemistry, geography and history mainly. i find that i really like knowing things because it helps me not feel so powerless.
i am sorry for bringing this letter to an abrupt end, i really would have liked to stay, but i see that last night's talking to the girl is catching up to me now.
good-by. i hope you're having a wonderful life.
История писем одного отправителя
1. Письмо из 2021-02-09 в 2022-02-11.
hey 2. Письмо из 2021-04-04 в 2021-04-07.
instagram 3. Письмо из 2021-04-04 в 2022-04-05.
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