was i right?

it’s been two years since this. i can tell that a 12 year old wrote this by the way everything seems so poorly written. well, my desires are of course different now and i see myself in a different place in 5 years. i guess, i should write it down. i think i will write about where i see myself in 3 years because it seems more logical. so, how old will i be in 3 years? i will be 18. already have finished school and in a university. i haven’t still decided in which but i decided what i want to be and i think it’s a big step. i can see myself still playing guitar, maybe have already progressed on it, perhaps even playing in some small local band with friends. i can see myself still watching movies and reading books, i think from this point on my obsession with movies is only going to grow. i think by then i have already forced myself to watch the godfather.
about my physical appearance, i think i will have the same haircut or some sort of a long mullet. maybe then i would start wearing glasses again. i will be the same height and maybe even the same weight (152cm, 50 kg) though i am hoping that my height increases and weight goes down a bit. i think i will start dressing way cooler, get some ear piercings, a lot of jewelry.
as with my personality, i will grow a lot. i will be smarter, funnier, more mature, more knowledgeable and more aware.. but i don’t think that i will change much, i will just progress, to put it in that way. i don’t think that every thing will be perfect, i will still crave alone time, still have feelings that i don’t quite understand but i think i will deal with them in a better way.
my relationships with others… will still be hard. i hope that i will have a girlfriend, whom i will love and will be loved by. i will have a couple of friends with whom i have fun and as a person in general i will still be quiet and mysterious but more fun and charming. people will love me the way they do now, i will study and have good grades.
as to my hopes and wishes, i just want to be at peace and happy, i hope that my wishes will be fulfilled. i hope that by then i have already had my first kiss and first time.
i think this is all. i dont know how to conclude this

из 2022-01-30 в 2025-08-27

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3. Письмо из 2021-04-04 в 2022-04-05. confession
4. Письмо из 2022-01-30 в 2025-08-27. was i right?
5. Письмо из 2022-06-13 в 2022-09-05. hey
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